Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little Secret of Successful Companies

Custom Data Scrubbing Services

It's not easy to stand out from the competition, esp when you have short budget for marketing. While limited cash flow can dwarf your marketing spend, it's no excuse when you start using bad data for marketing.

Good data helps you to reach out to customers consistently and effortlessly. To support distressed companies with bad data, Data Support Central have reworked data for hundreds of B2B firms from Americans and Europe.

Our data analyst team have the knowledge of current data standards and practice to turn your data into real wealth. At  Data Support Central we take pride in offering custom data append solution and data management packages for small biz owners and large organization. We're glad to come with the right solution and subscription packages all within your budget.

Our custom data support solution gives you:
  • The ability to communicate efficiently with your customers
  • The power to use multiple data for your marketing 
  • The power to harness mix marketing 
Start with existing DATA!
If you wait for the perfect data to start marketing, you’ll never anywhere. Start with the existing data, and with  data appending you can enrich your database with relevant data and fields. Click here to sign-up for data support services.



The 5 Habits of Highly Effective Data Marketers

Don’t Irk Your Customers with bad data
Sometime last year, we started getting data verification request from small biz owners. Few smart guys in the lot were eager to uncover meaningful relationships hidden in the data. Without going in depth on their requirements, here are the list of services good for the business.

Here is the list of great beginnings for you.

 1) Increase Value from CRM > Leverage our Data Append Services
 2) Enhance Direct Marketing Response > Direct Mailing Append
 3) Improve email marketing campaign ROI >  B2B email appending
 4) Tele-verify business contact data > Tele-verification Services
 5) Implement Social Media tactics > Social media appending

Data quality - No Small Matter
Data quality don’t happen by accident. Small business owners need to be vigilant with data by updating, validating and adding relevant data fields of customers. In case you need any assistance from our data team, let's know by filling our online append form.



Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Green Was My Data?

Most of us cringe over data quality issues without making any effort to sustain data quality. Data quality is not about chance, it requires continuous effort to check, update, and maintain relevant data.

Here's the list of data quality activities to improve the value of data in your business.

  • Data Profiling
  • Data Cleansing
  • Data Standardization
  • Data Deduplication
  • Data Validation

 It's not mandatory to follow all these points, but it's a handy list to get learn the most suitable process for total data quality management.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Enrich Marketing Databases With Social Profiles

Marketers in a bid to reach customers through social networks are keen to append social networking profiles to their existing profiles. As such most sought after social information are
  • Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn customer urls
  • Demographic information of customers
  • Username of customers in social media

How can you utilizing social data to your advantage?

Facebook in 2011 is crossing customer base of over 600 million, while Twitter is close behind. It's a big treasure chest for B2B marketers if they can identify customer profiles in these two main networks.

The key benefits by appending Social Media Profiles :

  • Understand Customer communication Preferences
  • Uncover active channels used by your customer
  • Segment profiles based on social channels
  • Reduce "email marketing" fatigue
  • Reactivate old customers using social network channels
  • Build dialogue with customer though relevant social networks

Till 2010 end, social media channels allowed marketers to gain user information from their network. Now with law suits, this option of buying buyer profiles is over. Now you to manually harvest social media profiles from each network. That's a huge work for marketers but there's no other way.

In case you're looking for support to append social media profiles of your customers, you can get it done by us. Contact us now with social appending plans.


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